Learn How To Journal - Benefits And Printable Sheet Included! | Kids Activity

Learn How To Journal - Benefits And Printable Sheet Included! | Kids Activity

Hello, Mummies and Daddies! 

Today we'll be speaking about journaling. A few of us swear by it, while most of us are still very new to the idea of journals. 

What is journaling?

Journal writing or journaling is when one regularly writes about their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The best and worst parts of the day, what they learnt, and much more. There isn't a defined version of what is included in one's journal. It is personal, and best however one likes their little diary to be.

Why is journal writing beneficial for kids?

We say introducing kids to journal writing has its benefits. Journal writing helps them record their day-to-day activities and the little memories they create on the way. A few other benefits include:

  • It strengthens communication skills.
  • It helps stimulate creativity and makes writing fun.
  • Journal writing also improves their reading and builds their vocabulary. 

Introducing your children to journaling will teach them to put their thoughts and emotions into words. It will help them understand their feelings better. This will therefore allow you to get to know your kids better. Saying so, we do not recommend reading the journals of your young adults.

Roy's Boys have created a few printable daily journal sheets for your kids. With the summer break now, we'd 100% recommend them to record their daily activities by writing about their emotions and learning about themselves a little better every day.

The sheet is available in orange, pink and blue colours. 

To download the printable sheet, click here

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