Why Is Bluey And Her Woof-derful Fam Loved By All?

Why Is Bluey And Her Woof-derful Fam Loved By All?

There is something very different about Bluey, no matter how old you are. If you’ve watched the show, you are now a fan of the characters and the story.

We explored some of the comments from Reddit.com and below are the most interesting answers on why Bluey is such a good TV show.

Subtle animation and small touches

"For me, it’s the small touches. There is so much subtle animation on characters who aren’t talking, which makes them feel more alive and responsive. This is such a stark contrast to a lot of other animations where the other characters stand blinking, waiting for their turn to talk. It also gives a lot of characterisation as the characters develop their relationships through alight body language." - u/WorriedLeading2081

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"It's the little touches for me: the eye-rolls, the dad jokes, the guy at the bus stop saying, "Nah mate, I'll take the next one" (wagon ride), Bingo wanting to go pee in the middle of the night while camping... makes it so relatable." -u/Lollypopsmum

It is effortless and relatable.

"I think people on here may be more obsessed than I am with the show, but for me, it's the fact that in less than 7 minutes they can deliver a complete story. That's pretty incredible. You could watch the show knowing nothing about any of the characters and still enjoy it because it's a very relatable family dynamic." -Anonymous.

Another user, Peeja, commented, saying, "Not just a complete story. Almost every episode has an A plot and a B plot (and sometimes a C plot), all in 7 minutes, and all reflecting on the same theme. I don't know how you accomplish something like that and make it look so effortless."

"It’s just relatable. Sure, things generally wrap up nicely, but the conflicts are genuine and those that we have either personally experienced or seen in our lives. Even though these are animated animals having experiences, the problems are authentic, the emotions make sense, and, while the decisions made aren’t always the most logical, that’s part of the appeal."u/mjc5077

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"My now 4-year-old son has a fresh autism diagnosis. This show has helped him talk more and actually engage in play with his older sister and other kids. It is a huge bonus that the show is actually enjoyable! I have found myself watching it without any kids in the room." - u/mommanerdpower

Made for parents and enjoyed by kids.

“I feel like my husband put it best when he said: You can tell this show was made with love.” “But I'll go a step further and say that most kids' shows feel like they were made to sell toys, and that's whatever kids like them, but Bluey was made for people. It shows in all the ways you said. It's so thoughtful in how the characters react to each other and why. My favourite thing is just how you can really see the love Chilli and Bandit have for each other. All those little touches really show the relationship and make it feel so real. “ - u/ Ruby_Rogue

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"Bluey is clearly made for parents and enjoyable for kids. Most kid shows are made for kids, and some are tolerable for parents. They beautifully capture the amazing parts of being a parent and poke fun at the tougher times. Each episode is written, voiced, and animated well. I don’t think it’s much more than that." -Anonymous

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"I love that it's a kid's show where the adults are more than just cardboard cut-outs who exist to serve the children. Bandit and Chili have friends, hobbies, emotions, and needs of their own. They feel real." – u/Two__Sheds

Show with a message.

“Bluey beautifully incorporates the lesson into a great story each time. The stories are not as linear as other kids’ shows either. Add in the very realistic parenting and it’s teaching the kids a lesson and the parents as well, giving good examples of how to interact with your kids in everyday life.”u/Weezy2318

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"The show is just real. No superpowers, no over-the-top action, or unbelievable plot lines. You see yourself in the characters, which immediately makes them more relatable. My kids love Bluey and Bingo because they're silly like they are and can relate to what they're experiencing (especially "Movies"). I love the dad jokes and how they all interact as a loving family. They're normal parents trying to raise good kids and teach them lessons along the way while having fun. All in a 7-minute show. It is pretty amazing."u/Atreyyuuu

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"It’s good because the show has values. The writers have a good understanding of child development and how important play is. Kids learn best through play. Kids process hard feelings and change through play. With those things as a foundation, they can tell creative, silly, and funny stories that still respect children. That underlying respect makes it feel so good."u/Elizalemon

New play ideas every episode.

“It draws you in because it’s so well written and funny. It gives my daughter and me some ideas for play, and she loves a good Bingo joke. I was folding laundry when she got on my lap and said, “don’t forget to fold this shirt!” then she was a magic shirt that kept reappearing and needing to be refolded (like in the magic statue episode).” u/dindermufflins

Whether you like Bluey, Bandit, Chilli, or Bingo, we are sure you have your own reasons for loving the show. Did any of the comments resonate with you? Or, do you have your own reasons why Bluey is so special? Why not tell us in the comments below?
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